If you are buying a SMB (Small or Midsize Business) and you ask for feedback from the seller’s customer base, you understand it is a reasonable request – but it can be scary for the seller. For example, what happens if a competitor obtains that customer list? Mayfield Consulting, as a third party, has gained this feedback for hundreds of buyers. We capture in-depth feedback from the sellers’ customer base, in the name of the seller. This feedback can be invaluable to the seller, whether the deal goes through or not. Typically, the buyer offering to share the feedback with the seller is the key to gaining their trust to move forward.
Armed with superior knowledge about the customer base, an investor gains confidence, lowers risk, and increases negotiating leverage for pricing and terms prior to closing. Whether investors are PEs, VCs, searchers or strategic buyers, in-depth, objective customer feedback provides superior insight compared to filtered information from sellers.
Over many years of gaining in-depth customer feedback for clients, Mayfield Consulting has noticed that often what our client tells us is not what their customers tell us.
Sixty-five percent of the population are visual learners, so it’s no wonder video is dominating business marketing.