
October 7, 2019
Pay It Forward with Corporate Citizenship
If your business hasn’t developed a corporate citizenship program, the fall is a great time to start: holidays are on the way and opportunities abound.

June 17, 2019
Striving for Recurring Revenue

Give them the razor, sell them the blade

Gillette may not have been the first, but it’s still the most famous example of a company moving to a Recurring Revenue model. The story goes like this: a razor marketer gave away razors to the public for free, knowing they could recoup the one-time cost of the razor over a period of time with custom fit replacement blades that would be sold on an ongoing basis at a premium. The rest, as they say is history.

May 20, 2019
Website Makeover – Is it time?
In our last blog, “Prepping for a Website Makeover”, our experts touched briefly on Web Design, SEO and Content. In this next blog in the series, Ross Feldman goes into depth about why you may need to re-do your website this year.

April 29, 2019
My Distributor, My Partner: Successful Strategies for Surefire Sales Growth
Years of research and development and a signed dotted-line with a distributor has led you to this point. Your shiny, new product is ready to fly.

February 4, 2019
Prepping for a Website Makeover
Prepping for a website makeover is the company equivalent of cleaning out the garage: intimidating in scope, time-consuming and accompanied by the fear of getting only halfway through before your attention is required elsewhere. But starting with a plan can save you money, time, and alleviate delays.

October 4, 2018
What’s Your ROMI?
In 2009, an Israeli data analytics company placed cameras above a professional basketball court. They measured and observed the movements of every player for a season and analyzed the results. They realized the game was being played incorrectly and inefficiently considering the addition of the three-point rule: it was more efficient for any team to take more three-point attempts than try to take the ball to the net. The first team to embrace those analytics was the Dallas Mavericks...and they won the championship the same year.

August 16, 2018
The CEO & the CRM

By Aaron Ayer – CEO The Hunley Group – Partner of Mayfield Consulting

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a necessary and exciting sales productivity tool for any CEO. It is a leading indicator of how your business will perform: you can see selling activity, which leads to pipeline growth, which leads to better sales forecasting, which leads to actual sales. But all too often, this big-ticket software purchase becomes a source of friction between you and your go-to-market team: adoption is low, the data is incomplete, and several sales reps steadfastly refuse to use it. CRM photo

June 12, 2018
OKAY, I’ll Tweet. WHAT do I Tweet?
Recently, we talked about why it’s a good idea to start your B2B Twitter account even if prospecting for customers on Twitter is still in its infancy. The good news is, even if you don’t find customers ON Twitter, you might find them BECAUSE you’re on Twitter.

May 11, 2018
Do I HAVE to Tweet? I’m in B2B
Frequently my clients ask this question and I understand their hesitation. Tweeting feels like an episode of cyber schizophrenia: when you tweet and nothing comes back, you start to wonder if your audience is perhaps an imaginary friend. The platform is confusing as well: fast moving, rudimentary in options, lacking sufficient security, and simultaneously rife with trolls, negligible intellects, and bots. With all these frustrations, costs, and risks, while conversely brand awareness for B2B on social media is still in its infancy, why be on Twitter at all?

April 18, 2018
Utilizing Glassdoor Can Strengthen Your Company Culture
Adopting Glassdoor as part of your company’s social media strategy can not only boost your recruitment efforts, but help with SEO, boost company pride, and raise management awareness at the same time. A pro-active strategy may even produce some pleasantly surprising, unanticipated results.

Mayfield Consulting’s team has hundreds of combined years of experience in sales and marketing, providing market research, business due diligence, sales, marketing and PR strategy and implementation. All services are performed by seasoned professionals, on an affordable, a la carte menu to business-to-business companies. Mayfield has special expertise in software, security, business services, financial services, and classic manufacturing industries. With a tagline of “Where Results Happen,” Mayfield Consulting has clients that have been named 12 times in the last eleven years to the Inc. 5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies, won more than 80 awards, and experienced exponential growth.